Crowd9 Agency Services - Crowd9 Agency

Crowd9 Agency Services

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Our Services

Creating and launching a crowdfunding campaign can be intimidating. Crowd9 Agency will assign a dedicated account consultant to guide you through the campaign creation process and help your campaign launch run smoothly.

Crowd9 Agency can:

Write and design your campaign page

Offer guidance through the campaign creation process

Assist in developing a marketing strategy based on best practices and analytics

Help increase brand awareness and monitor progress with investors

Provide tools for assistance with annual reports and ongoing compliance

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a combination of the words “crowdsource” and “funding.” It is a way of raising capital by asking for smaller, individual donations from a large number of people.

Did you know? In 1885, the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal was crowdfunded for over $100,000 by Joseph Pulitzer in his newspaper, The New York World.

Our Crowdfunding Services

Prepare Your Campaign Page

Creating a compelling pitch is the first step to crowdfunding success. Consult with us and get valuable insight on what potential investors will want to know about your project and what platform(s) are best for you. We can craft a campaign page for your project that can be used on most major crowdfunding platforms.

Create a Pitch Video

Pitch videos are a valuable part of any crowdfunding campaign’s outreach– this is often the quickest way to introduce your project with goals and can be used across social media to attract a wider audience. We can turn your idea into a professional and informative pitch video that can use anywhere.

Determine Goals and Deadlines

Every project is different, and your funding goals should be too. Factors like expenses, labor, resource costs, and taxes all need to be accounted for in your financials. Let our team help you determine the best strategy for your specific funding goals and suggest a reasonable approach to launch your crowdfunding campaign.

Outline Specifics and Disclosures

Successful crowdfunding requires that you be transparent with your investors about who you are, where the money is going, and any risks involved. We can outline this information and guide you to present it in a way that builds trust with your investors and confidence in your project.

Strategize Social Media Outreach

Get your campaign in front of potential investors through the power of social media outreach on the most popular social media platforms. Keep them engaged and retain excitement with a strategy for regularly scheduled content and updates about your campaign.

Build Marketing & Branding

Your audience is more likely to invest in a project that has passion behind it. Our marketing professionals can build an engaged following that will promote your campaign content. Monitor your progress with investors and increase your brand awareness with a marketing strategy that works for you.

Our launch package. Your platform.
